

We provide technical and artistic service to enhance the experience of your audience.

Desperados Club Tour

For a brand event of Desperados in 12 different locations in Germany AirGlobe has taken over a complete conceptual and technical design. In Munich, Berlin, Düsseldrof and other cities we provided an equally strong visual experience.

Technical implementation:

1x10000 ansilumen projector WUXGA
1x 3D projection screen with truss backbone
1x video server
Integration into existing on-site lighting system

Sony Music

Music Hall Innsbruck 2021

This installation was massive in effort. A complete stage backdrop was designed and played live. The music may be a matter of taste, but the visual impact was tremendous, with the LED wall background from which moving heads shine.

Technical requirements:
1x LED Wall
20x moving head on truss constructions

Green Berlin Anomalie 2020

We have a long-standing partnership with Green Berlin and Four Music. Whenever there is new release from Marteria, we develop together to celebrate a premiere visually strong. In this case, the presentation of a sustainable clothing line, made from plastic waste collected from the oceans. The club night at Anomalie Berlin created a landscape of installations.

Technical requirements :

6x 10,000 ANSI lumen projectors
2x video server as well as multimedia player
1x 10 Watt RGB Laser with control

Wilde Möhre Festival 2020

AirGlobe is responsible for the lighting of the main stage and objects at the Wilde Möhre Festival since 2014. We extend the musical dimension with atmospheric light installations and let the party do its magic job.

The floordesign was massively influenced by the regulations of lockdown summer 2020. We were very happy to draw just from this a festival atmosphere as we know and love it.

Technical equipment:

2x 20,000 ANSI lumen projector with 0.6 lens
1x video server with midi input

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